thrombophlebitis|thrombophlebitides in English


blockage of arteries (Medicine)

Use "thrombophlebitis|thrombophlebitides" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thrombophlebitis|thrombophlebitides" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thrombophlebitis|thrombophlebitides", or refer to the context using the word "thrombophlebitis|thrombophlebitides" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hot flush Deep vein thrombosis, flushing, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, thrombophlebitis superficial, venous stasis

2. Hypotension, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis Lymphangitis

3. 8 Discuss the pathophysiologic connection between thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism.

4. Inflammation and swelling of a vein (thrombophlebitis) is a common cause of Bulging veins

5. Anaerobic infections are typically suppurative, causing abscess formation and tissue necrosis and sometimes septic thrombophlebitis, gas formation, or both

6. Anaerobic infections are typically suppurative, causing abscess formation and tissue necrosis and sometimes septic thrombophlebitis, gas formation, or both

7. From the point of view of a differential diagnosis in regard to acute abscesses, the intracranial thrombophlebitis is to be taken into special consideration.

8. I'd told the boys I had a touch of thrombophlebitis, blood clots in the veins in my feet, and was afraid about tomorrow's climb,(Sentence dictionary) not that it would hobble me but would get worse when we came down.